Universitas Indonesia Conferences, Asia Pacific Business and Economics Conference

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Strengthening The Role of Senior Leader to Create Healthy Bank Operation by Leadership System Malcom Baldrige (a Study Case at PT XYZ)
Risdia Oktafandia, Muhammad Yusuf John

Last modified: 2017-12-22


This thesis analyzes the influence of Leadership according to Malcolm Baldrige from senior leader in Branch Office can give impact to internal control so it will create healthy bank operation. This research use a quantitative research approach with descriptive design in a form of case study. This research conclude that in internal control component can be explained by culture assessment index of 2,4% while the rest of 97,6% is explained by other variables. For the audit rating component can be explained by the culture assessment index of 1,6% while the rest of 98,4% explained by other variables. Leadership has a positive relationship with audit rating, it means that the better leadership obtained the better audit rating but the relationship between these two variable are not significant. In addition, Leadership has a negative relationship with internal control, where the better leadership it makes internal control decrease. The relationship of these two variables is not significant too. By creating a good risk profile, the Branch Office will establish a good internal control system so that the bank wide risk profile becomes optimal and healthy.

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