Universitas Indonesia Conferences, Asian Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (AFPS) 2019

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Combination of Durian Mesocarpium Ethanol Extracts (Durio zibethinus Linn) with Doxorubicin in Enhancing Cytotoxicity to T47D cells line
Fitrianingsih - Fitrianingsih

Last modified: 2019-07-20


Background: Durian (Durio zibethinus Linn.) has been shown to have cytotoxic activity in vitro. Objective: This study aimed to determine the efficacy of the Combination of both Doxorubicin and Durian Mesocarpium Ethanol Extracts (EEMD), a single concentration of Doxorubicin and Durian Mesocarpium Ethanol Extracts (EEMD) by examining in vitro to T47D cells line experimentally. Materials and Methods: The single and Combination concentration of both Durian Mesocarpium Ethanol Extracts (EEMD) and Doxorubicin were divided into three experimental groups to determine the IC50 and Combination index. This assay was done using the MTT method. Results: The single concentration of Durian Mesocarpium Ethanol Extracts (EEMD) at 14.85 µg/ml, and the Combination of Durian Mesocarpium Ethanol Extracts (EEMD) and Doxorubicin at 3.5 µg/ml, showed a cytotoxic activity due to inhibiting the cell viability of T47D cells line. The Combination of 1/8 IC50 Durian Mesocarpium Ethanol Extracts (EEMD) at  3.5 µg/ml with 1/8  and 1/4 IC50 at 0.03 and 0.06 µg/ml Doxorubicin gave a strong synergistic effect with a percentage of cell viability (up to 64.57%) significantly (p<0.05) compared with the standard control. Conclusion: Based on these results, Durian (Durio zibethinus Linn.)  have a potential effect as a cytotoxic agent with CI values of combination Durian Mesocarpium Ethanol Extracts (EEMD), and Doxorubicin showed the strong to moderate synergistic effect (CI 0.1 – 0.9).


Key words: Durian Mesocarpium, Ethanol Extracts, Doxorubicin, T47D, IC50, CI