Universitas Indonesia Conferences, Asian Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences (AFPS) 2019

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Gel Hand Sanitizer Formulation of Temu Kunci Extract (Boesenbergia pandurata)
Lina Widiyastuti

Last modified: 2019-06-15


Gel Hand Sanitizer Formulation of Temu Kunci Extract (Boesenbergia pandurata)


Rabiatun Adawiah1, Lina Widiyastuti2

1,2 Pharmaceutical and Technology Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta,55166,  Indonesia.


Corresponding author: lina.widiyastuti@pharm.uad.ac.id





Background: Temu kunci (Boesenbergia pandurata) is known to have an antibacterial effect. The formulation in the form of gel hand sanitizer is needed to facilitate its usage. The physical properties of gel hand sanitizer are influenced by the amount of gelling agent and humectant used. Objective: Optimization of these two components needs to be done to obtain gel hand sanitizer preparations with physical properties that meet the requirements of good gel preparations. Materials and Methods: The gel is made with 3% extract concentration. The high levels of CMC-Na and propylene glycol is 6% and 15%. The low levels of CMC-Na and propylene glycol is 3% and 5%. The data analysis used the Design Expert program version 11. The optimum area of the gel formula was determined using contour plots from the parameters of the gel's physical properties including viscosity, spreadability, and adhesion. The validation of the optimum formula is done by comparing the factorial design prediction formula with the actual one, then analyzed using SPSS one sample t-test with a 95% confidence level. Results: The increase in CMC-Na concentration increases viscosity and adhesion and decreases the spreadability of gel hand sanitizer. The amount of CMC-Na in the gel formulation has an effect of 43.27% viscosity response, 94.26% spreadability and 69.39% adhesion. While propylene glycol affects the viscosity response of 32.62%, spread of 1.79%, and adhesion power of 14.82%.

The optimum formula for gel hand sanitizer extract found the key combination of CMC-Na 4.25% and pro-glycol glycol 9.72% had a viscosity value of 2000 cps, spreadability of 5 cm, and adhesion of 42.47 seconds.


Key words: gel formulation, temu kunci extract, factorial design method