Last modified: 2019-06-16
Objective: The present study was undertaken to evaluate the antipsychotic potential of Myrica esculenta (ME) in experimental animal models.
Materials and Method: The antipsychotic activity of neurotransmitter such as dopamine and nor-adrenaline in the rat brain were estimated using spectrofluorimetry.
The antipsychotic activity of ME was studied against Apomorphine induced stereotype, Cook’s pole climbing apparatus and Haloperidol induced catalepsy models.
Results: The ME bark extract was found to contain phytochemicals like glycosides, flavonoids, volatile oils, proteins, saponins, phenolics and tannin. The ME produced significant dose dependent potentiation of haloperidol induced catalepsy in rats, significantly increased the time taken by the rat to climb the pole in dose dependent manner, significantly decreased the apomorphine induced stereotyped behavior. ME bark extract significantly decreased the brain dopamine and nor-adrenaline level.
Conclusion: The ethanolic extract of ME exhibited significant antipsychotic activity in rats. The antipsychotic activity might be due to presence of a flavonoid mycitrin. Further, neurochemical investigation can explore the mechanism of action of the plant drug with respect to anti-dopaminergic functions and help to establish the plant as antipsychotic agent.
Keywords: Anti-dopaminergic; Psychosis; Apomorphin; Haloperidol; Stereotype; catalepsy; Myrica esculenta;